Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of companies and their managers’ needs, LEXIATEAM offers its clients, in partnership with Glady GOUTORBE, an independent lawyer and partner of the firm, comprehensive support in the field of employment law, both in advisory and litigation:
What we do:
- Audit in the context of acquisition or risk management,
- Monitoring of individual relations (employment contract and hiring, disciplinary law, breach of contract, negotiation),
- Implementation of employer-employees dialogue (professional elections, management of staff representative institutions and collective bargaining),
- Optimization of compensation systems (variable compensation, employee savings),
- Development of working conditions rules (duration and organization of working hours, health and safety, professional training),
- Advice to human resources departments (decision support, occupational health, salary determination, organization of working time),
- URSSAF and labor inspections,
- Civil litigation before the Conseil de prud’hommes (Employment Law Court), the social pole of the judicial court (work accidents, work accident rates, occupational diseases, incapacity, invalidity), the judicial court (litigation of professional elections),
- Criminal labor law (concealed work),
- Administrative court (contestation of a decision of the Labor Inspection).